Meghan GaNung, LSCW is joining our team at PPA and we are pleased to have her supporting our mental health community. In order to get to know her better, we asked her some questions that we're sharing with you, here. 

What makes you smile? Why?  

This is a tough question, I tend to smile a lot! As we all know, Pittsburgh tends to be a pretty gloomy city. When the sun comes out I find there is always a reason to smile and be thankful.

What was the last book you read that had an impact? What were your thoughts on it?  

The last book I read that had an impact on me was It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. This fiction novel discussed the cycle of abuse in a domestic violence relationship. The author did a beautiful job describing the raw emotions both parties feel in this relationship.

What is a small act of kindness you experienced and will never forget?

One small act of kindness I will never forget was when I first moved to Pittsburgh about four years ago. I was very lost trying to find my way back to my apartment after the gym. A USPS mail carrier saw that I looked confused and ended up offering to walk me home. The whole way they provided me with small short cuts and Pittsburgh tips! It was such a simple act but meant so much.

When did you first know you wanted to work in the helping field?

While growing up, both of my parents worked in the human service field. They set an example to me on how impactful and fulfilling this work can be.

What is the most recent photo saved to your phone? Why did you take the photo?

The most recent photo that is saved in my phone is of my dog Ellie. In the photo she is giving a paw handshake, she looks like a giant teddy bear!

Coffee or tea?

I love coffee!

What was your latest binge-watch show?

The latest show I binge-watched was Ozark on Netflix.

How do you build trust in clients?

I build trust with clients by being dependable and having a client centered approach.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Why?

Every year the entire side of my mom’s family (there were a lot of us!) would spend all of summer at a small beach town in New Jersey. I loved growing up so close to the beach and being able to have close relationships with my family.

If you think Meghan would be a good match for your journey, call us today to schedule an appointment at 412.367.0575 or request one here.