We asked our new therapist, Erica Panyi, LCSW, to answer some questions for our practice and community so that we can get to know her better. Check out what she has to say - maybe she would be a good fit for you.
What makes you smile? Why?
My two cats, their unconditional love melts my heart.
What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?
My father accidently licking a pair of socks at Walmart.
When did you first know you wanted to work in the helping field?
If you could be an insect, which would you be?
A butterfly
What is the most recent photo saved to your phone? Why did you take the photo?
I call it "Sister love" (It doesn’t happen often - my two cats cuddling).
Coffee or tea?
If you could have dinner with anyone, whether they are dead or alive, who would it be?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
If Erica's responses speak to you and you'd like to know if you'd be a good fit, you can request an appointment here or call us at 412.367.0575.