We asked, she answered: Our newest therapist, Andrea Dugas, LCSW, CCM, a little bit about herself so that her potential clients would be able to get a glimpse into the clinician that they are taking on their journey. 

Let's take an inside look at what Andrea has to say with this Q&A:

How would you describe your work in a six word sentence?  
I think I only need four! “Let’s have a conversation.”

What is the most recent photo saved to your phone? Why did you take the photo?
It’s a screenshot of a countdown for a trip to South Florida with my best friend in October. I took it to send to her when she was a having a tough day as a reminder of something to look forward to in the future.

Coffee or tea?
Both – a dirty chai latte (chai tea with a shot of expresso)

What was your latest binge-watch show?
Too many to admit. My daughter and I are huge reality tv fans, so we are currently watching The Bachelorette and Big Brother. My husband and I
just finished binging the latest season of West World and are looking forward to the Game of Thrones spin-off coming out.

What emotion do you think is most difficult to express?
I think the desire to be understood in the manner that we wish to be is very difficult to communicate and to understand. We receive information through our own lens which can be frustrating to both parties and why it is so important to recognize and put aside our own projections as much as possible when we are looking to support one another.

If you could have dinner with anyone, whether they are dead or alive, who would it be?

My dad. He passed away almost 5 years ago. Although we’d likely switch to breakfast at Eat n’Park. Dippy eggs, soft bacon, and buttered toast.

If you think that you may connect with Andrea in your healing journey, please reach out to us by clicking here or by calling 412.367.0575 to request an appointment.