By Chaz Jones
Nutrition is something that must be tailored and different for each individual's needs. We all come from different backgrounds, genetics, and cultures and thus have different nutritional values that our body longs for. Understanding how our diet is impacting our dopamine, serotonin and overall mental status is what I want to address.
“I’ve waited my whole life for you.”
That was the first thing I said to my sweet, 22 inch long, almost 9 lb baby girl when they placed her on my chest (sheesh, she was a toddler haha). I’d just spent 17 hours in labor, 90 minutes pushing her out, and I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to say when I met her.
Read more: I've Waited My Whole Life For You: A Tale of New Motherhood
by Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
The weather is warmer. The sun is shining (on most days, but we all have that love-hate relationship with rain). We can hear the laughter of the little ones. The popsicles are making the hands of our little ones super sticky. Summer is here. School is out. What now?