By: Timothy Merolillo
I see it all the time. People struggling to lose weight, claiming they are doing everything right. Their nutrition is on point and they’re training every single day. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning to get their training in and planning their meals out to a tee and still no weight loss. They say, “But I am doing everything right!? Should I eat less and train more?!” No!!! The answer is no.
By Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
It’s not very often that I get to address the loved ones of my clients because so many things hold me back: confidentiality, lack of contact, inability to share without a release of information, all that super serious stuff. But, I am taking this opportunity to do so, now, because I can address everyone at once.
By Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
Communication is an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it? We’re meant to use it to share thoughts, ideas, and feelings to help us, yet it is a tool that can, unfortunately, tear us apart. When we are having relationship issues, once we look past the hurt and stop playing the blame game, the first place we look is at communication, and how it fix it. And what a great feat that is.