As we always do when highlighting our new clinicians, we have asked Lauren Roycroft, MSEd, NCC, LPC to answer some questions about herself so that her potential clients can get to know her. We've asked and she responded.
Meghan GaNung, LSCW is joining our team at PPA and we are pleased to have her supporting our mental health community. In order to get to know her better, we asked her some questions that we're sharing with you, here.
What makes you smile? Why?
This is a tough question, I tend to smile a lot! As we all know, Pittsburgh tends to be a pretty gloomy city. When the sun comes out I find there is always a reason to smile and be thankful.
Meet Becca Burbules, LCSW, our newest team member at PPA. We are excited to have her starting in Private Practice with us and want to help you get to know her better. We have asked Becca several getting-to-know-you questions and you can read her responses below!
Read more: Making Her Way to Private Practice: Becca Burbules