by Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
In my previous blog, "What to Expect in Therapy: Part One," and it's continuation, I reviewed some basics about preparation for therapy and the actual experience of therapy. This was meant to help people understand what may happen when they go to counseling for the first time and continue to attend. In this post, I wanted to share with you, one step further, in the depths of what to expect when you see a therapist regarding the hot topics of ethics, confidentiality, and privacy in a social and technological world.
By Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
First, I want to thank you for your return to my blogs on what to expect in therapy. It may seen overwhelming to obtain all of this information, but so many people aren't sure what is going to happen throughout the process of therapy, and we want to arm you with an idea of what might occur. As I mentioned in my previous blog, everyone's experience is different and every therapist varies in their practices, but overall, you'll find a lot of this holds true in treatment.
by Alissa Klugh, MS, LPC
Looking to start therapy but not sure what to expect? Perhaps you're already in therapy, and you're wondering if what you're experiencing is "normal?" Well, you're not alone. Thousands of people are seeking therapy each week and they have no idea what to expect when they walk through the door. Now, every practice is different and there are many levels of care, but that's just therapist jargon for "there are many forms of therapy to serve people who have different types and severities of need." Regardless of all of that, there are a few things to anticipate when you go in to see your therapist for the first time and when you continue to attend. I'm going to share some of this information, below.